
Meet the Artist

Artist Statement

My abstract paintings echo the cacophony of urban life today. The competing surface tensions confront each other, creating a visual orchestration of discordant and harmonic tonalities. The compositions, resembling visual soundscapes, explore the notion of depth, both spatial and psychological. The chromatic intensity of my palate—densely pigmented colors applied in layers, yielding smeared and collided passages—is seductive in its tonality, yet retains a sense of distance. Countless thick layers of acrylic paint are juxtaposed with sections of raw linen that evoke holes in a membrane. The construction of my work is a kind of building—in the process, I use mud-knives instead of paintbrushes to model heavy acrylic, constructing organic volumes and architectonic planes. Vibrant skins stretch across the canvas to embrace a complex web of ideas, emotions, and textures.



I was born in North Dakota in 1951 and lived there until the age of thirteen. Thereafter, I lived part-time in California, where I eventually started my art education.

From the mid-1960s to the early ’80s, I was directly affected by the culture of the Bay Area. Its music, art, and politics, especially the UC Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the Black Panther Party, made me acutely aware of pressing social issues. Radio station KDIA, the premier jazz, funk, and soul outlet for the East Bay and San Francisco Bay area, transformed my understanding of what music is. The Oakland and San Francisco art museums taught me what it was to be a Bay Area artist. The redwood forests and the wild, rugged Northern California Pacific coastline showed me the power of the natural world. After receiving my MA in 1979 in metal fabrication, I earned an MFA in mixed media plastic arts from San Jose State University in 1981. In 1984, I was awarded a grant by the French ministry of culture to live and exhibit in Paris, Grenoble, and Nice. In France, my San Francisco Bay Area experiences resurfaced and drove me to painting. After looking at the work of Figuration Libre painters in France, as well as images by German and Italian Neo-Figurative artists, I began to blend those movements with what I had absorbed earlier on the West Coast.

In 1987 I moved to New York City, often traveling back and forth to Europe before settling permanently in the downtown Tribeca neighborhood in 1992. My struggle to achieve maturity in painting, which involved a shift to expressive abstraction, came to fruition after the World Trade Center was destroyed in 2001. The morning of September 11, I was in my studio when I heard the first plane hit. I immediately went into the streets with my wife, the artist Ruth Hardinger. As we rounded the corner on West Broadway, looking ten blocks south just after the second tower was hit, I asked Ruth, “How the fuck are we going to fix that?” This question remains central to my critical thinking today.


Career Highlights

I have shown at institutional venues such as the Sunshine International Museum and the National Art Museum of China, both in Beijing; the Museo Civico d’Arte Contemporanea, Albissola, Italy; the Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Museum of Art. My solo exhibitions have taken place at Core Club, Unix Gallery, David & Schweitzer Contemporary, Morris-Warren Gallery, Barbara Greene Fine Art, Tama Gallery, and FiveMyles, all in New York; Art Virus LTD and Thomas Punzmann Fine Art, Frankfurt, Germany; Museo Civico d’Arte Contemporanea, Albissola, Italy; Galerie Bercovy-Fugier, Paris; Galerie Capazza, Paris/Nançay, France; Galerie Christine Le Chanjour, Nice, France; and Gallery Jean Yves Noblet, Paris/Grenoble, France. Art fair appearances include FICA, Paris; ArtFair, Cologne; and Arco, International Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid. My work has been reviewed in Art in America, Art News, Artcritical, Black Renaissance Noire, Art Daily, and numerous other publications.

Selected Solo Exhibitions


  • Core Club Gallery, New York, NY


  • “Infinity’s Sprawl” UNIX Gallery New York, NY
  • “When Paintings Awake,” David&Schweitzer Contemporary,
    (Bushwick) Brooklyn, NY


  • “The Temptation of Space” Art Virus Ltd., Frankfurt Germany


  • “The Wolf I Feed,” Brian Morris Gallery New York, NY


  • PS 209 Stone Ridge, New York


  • “Over The Top,” Thomas Punzmann Fine Arts, Frankfurt, Germany


  • “Dancing In My Head,” Thomas Punzmann Fine Arts, Frankfurt, Germany
  • “Cacophony Part 1” FiveMyles, Brooklyn, NY
  • “Cacophony Part 2” Woodstock Artist Association & Museum, Woodstock, NY


  • “Sudden Spring Suite,” Tama, New York City


  • “Wangled Tebs,” 2 person show, Maxwell Fine Arts, Peekskill, NY, curated by Koan Baysa, in conjunction with the “Peekskill Project”



    • 100 Broadway Exhibition Program, New York City, curated by Suzanne Randolph Fine Arts


    • Recent Paintings, Barbara Greene Fine Art, New York City
    • “Razing Space, The New Paintings of C. Michael Norton” Galerie Terre d’Art, St. Paul de Vence, France


    • “Albissola/America/Arte” Museo Civico d’Arte Contemporanea, Albissola, Italy
      Galerie Capazza, Paris/Nancay, Nancay, France


    • Galerie Bercovy-Fugier, Paris, France


    • Gallery 30, San Mateo, California


    • Galerie Christine Le Chanjour, Nice, France Galerie Jean-Yves Noblet, Paris, Grenoble, France


    • Markham Gallery/Museum Services, San Jose, California


    • San Jose State University, San Jose, California

    Selected Group Exhibitions


    • Unix Gallery, New York, NY, Art Aspen, Aspen, Colorado
    • Unix Gallery, New York, NY, Art Miami, 
 Miami, Florida
    • Unix Gallery New York, NY, Modern & Contemporary Art Fair, 
 Palm Beach, Florida


    • Chimento Contemporary, Los Angeles, California
    • Unix Gallery, New York, NY, Modern & Contemporary Art Fair, 
 Palm Beach, Florida


    • David & Schweitzer Contemporary (Bushwick) Brooklyn, NY
    • Torrance Art Museum SIBLING RIVLARIES, Los Angeles, California
    • Nation IV Thru The Rabbit Hole, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


    • Brian Morris Gallery “spacematters” New York, NYPollux Tower, Frankfurt, Germany
    • Thomas Punzmann Fine Art, Frankfurt, Germany


    • Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY


    • 5th Beijing International Biennale, Beijing, China
    • Filser & Gräf, Munich, Germany
    • Sideshow, Brooklyn, NY


    • Art Fair Cologne Germany, with Thomas Punzmann Fine Arts, Frankfurt Germany
    • Collaborative Concepts at Saunders Farm, Garrison, NY
    • Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
    • Exit Art, New York, NY


    • Collaborative Concepts at Saunders Farm, Garrison, NY


    • Sunshine International Museum Annual Art Exhibition, Beijing, China curated by Peter Wayne Lewis
    • Collaborative Concepts at Saunders Farm, Garrison, NY
    • Union Square West Group Exhibition (Tama Gallery), New York, NY
    • “Inside/Outside,” Maxwell Fine Art, New York City


    • “Sudden Spring Suite,” Tama, New York City


    • “Precipitations London Biennale New York Pollinations,” The Lab Gallery,
    • The Roger Smith Hotel, New York City, curated by Koan Jeff Baysa


    • Barbara Greene Fine Art, New York City


    • Galerie Terre d’Art, St. Paul de Vence, France


    • Galerie Capazza, Paris/Nancay France


    • Galerie Bercovy-Fugier, Paris, France
    • Salon International D’Arts Plastiques de Valognes, France
    • Galerie Bercovy-Fugier, Paris, France


    • Zeus-Trabia Gallery, New York City


    • San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, California
    • Arco, International Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid, Spain
    • Solan de Montruge, Pairs, France


    • Gallery 30, San Mateo, California

    Selected Bibiliography


    • C. Michael Norton Artist Book surveying 1983-2017
    • “Teaching The Eye To See: The Paintings of C. Michael Norton” Eleanor Heartney
    • “When Paintings Awake,” Raphael Rubinstein, Essay for 
 exhibition catalog, David&Schweitzer Contemporary
    • Chimento Contemporary: “Straight Outta Bushwick,”
 Genie Davis, 2/14/2017, Art & Cake, Los Angeles, Ca.
    • “Straight Outta Bushwick,” Carolina A. Miranda, 1/5/2017, 
 Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Ca.


    • Otium Magazine for Contemporary Literature: Ein Sinn für Distanz
 (A Sense of Distance). Gespräch mit dem bildenden Künstler und 
 Maler C. Michael Norton (Interview with Artist C. Michael Norton) 
 by Sarah Schuster. (2016) »Otium« Magazin für Lyrik und Prosa der 
 Gegenwart no. 12. [ISSN 2195-8513]
    • “Ground & Consequence: C. Michael Norton and The Color of 
 Noise,” by David Cohen
    • Catalog Essay for Art Virus Ltd, Frankfurt, Germany


    • Le Quotidien De L’Art Mardi 20n Octobre 2015, Salon Zurcher
 showing North American Galleries
    • THE LOOKOUT, “The Wolf I Feed,” Brian Morris Gallery and 
 Buddy Warren Inc., Art in America, (June)
    • C. Michael Norton, Brian Morris Gallery and Buddy Warren Inc. 
 by Alexa Lawrence, Art News, Summer 2015
    • Artcritical, The Review Panel, April 28, panel took place
 May 29, 2015 with David Cohen, Peter Plagens, Roberta Smith, 
 Christina Kee
    • Gorky’s Granddaughter Studio interview by Zachary Keeting & 
 Christopher Joy, 26 minute video, March 15, 2015


    • “The Temptation of Space” by Richard Vine, Black Renaissance 
 Noire, edited & published by the Institute of African-American 
 Affairs at New York University (Fall 2014)


        • “Over The Top” by Stephen Westfall, artdaily.com (July 2013)


        • “Sudden Springs Suite” by Koan Jeff Baysa
        • “The Sudden Spring Series” by Koan Jeff Baysa, dArt International 
 (volume 10, number 1), Miami, Florida
        • “Tactile Abpressionism” by Koan Jeff Baysa, NY Arts
 (March/April 2007)


        • “Wrangled Tebs” by Koan Jeff Baysa


        • “Razing Spaces: The New Paintings by C. Michael Norton” 
 by Dominique Nahas


        • “C. Michael Norton: From the Comedy of America to the 
 Ceremony of Life” by Isabelle Coera


        • C. Michael Norton, featured artist, Peninsula Magazine 
 (April 1987), San Francisco, California


        • Exhibition 86, 11th Annual Great American Arts Festival, 
 Santa Clara, California (Alena Willcoxon/Eileen Hill/Bee Wax)


        • “C Michael Norton” by Jacqueline Blance, Galerie Le Chanjour, 
 Nice, France, Kanal Magazine (January 1985)


        • Awarded exhibition and residency grants from Ministere de la
 Culture, Paris, France, Commission d’orientation des artes 
 plastiques, Grenoble, France



          Master of Fine Arts, San Jose State University, San Jose, California


          Master of Arts, San Jose State University, San Jose, California


          Bachelor of Arts, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California
